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Hi, I’m Debora Oddi. I was born in a Christian family and I had the privilege of growing up with the Word of God. Since I was a child, I used to go to the Sunday school and there, I could hear stories from the Bible and I also became aware of what Jesus had done for me and the whole world. On my 13th birthday, two girlfriends of mine came at my house and invited me to play the “Glass Game”. In this game, the person takes contact with the devil; you ask him something and he answers. I knew playing that game was wrong, but my curiosity was much bigger than my guilt.

About a week later, I told my mother what I’d done. She explained to me how serious it was having played that game and listed all the consequences I could have been facing from that moment on. I didn’t give much thought to it, and I kept living my life normally. Two years later, I got diagnosed with an incurable disease affecting the muscles of my legs.


The doctor told me: “The earlier the disease starts, the worst will it end”.

When I got this new, I got depressed and I didn’t go to school anymore. I’ve been closed in my room for months and months, and I didn’t want to talk to anybody. I began to hear voices inside my head that convinced me that I was good for nothing for my family. I believed every word they said. I began thinking the problem was actually me. To the voices were added shadows; I could see them in my bedroom, I felt their presence and I couldn’t get rid of them. They drove me crazy, because I was the only one who could hear and see them. I wanted to end up with it all killing myself, but every time I tried there was always something preventing me from doing it. On the summer of 2012 my parents suggested me to go to a biblical camp. Dealing with believers and with the Word of God, I got closer to the Lord.I talked openly about all my sins with the leader, we prayed together and right then I gave my life to Jesus. Since that day, I felt free and filled with the Holy Spirit. I stopped seeing shadows and hearing voices in my head. As soon as I came back home to my old life, I started to go out with my old friends once again and these wrong friendships led me away from God. Moreover, in order to be accepted by my friends I assumed drugs and alcohol. My family realized my change and decided that I had to see a Christian female psychologist.

She was the one I told everything to.Although I spent much time with her, my life didn’t change; I actually became more aggressive towards my family and believers. I wasn’t myself anymore. My mother noticed even my glance was weird. My parents and my psychologist began to think about the possibility I could have negative presences affecting me.

They called a Christian who had the gift to set the people free from demons; and in the very moment he looked at me, he realized that wasn’t me. This Christian bothered me a lot. He began telling me about God, but I refused to listen. He opened his Bible in Psalms 143 and read:


“Lord, hear my prayer,

    listen to my cry for mercy;

in your faithfulness and righteousness

    come to my relief.

Do not bring your servant into judgment,

    for no one living is righteous before you.

The enemy pursues me,

    he crushes me to the ground;

he makes me dwell in the darkness

    like those long dead.

So my spirit grows faint within me;

    my heart within me is dismayed.

I remember the days of long ago;

    I meditate on all your works

    and consider what your hands have done.

I spread out my hands to you;

    I thirst for you like a parched land.[a]

Answer me quickly, Lord;

    my spirit fails.

Do not hide your face from me

    or I will be like those who go down to the pit.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,

    for I have put my trust in you.

Show me the way I should go,

    for to you I entrust my life.

Rescue me from my enemies, Lord,

    for I hide myself in you.

Teach me to do your will,

    for you are my God;

may your good Spirit

    lead me on level ground.

For your name’s sake, Lord, preserve my life;

    in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.

In your unfailing love, silence my enemies;

    destroy all my foes,

    for I am your servant.”



After reading this Psalm, he began to pray for me and the Lord set me free. The process took a lot of time. I felt a huge battle inside of me, but it wasn’t my battle anymore because God was fighting for me. My parents, afraid I could get my old habits back, decided to move to Ludwigshafen, but I still wasn’t ready for it. They moved there and I stayed 3 months on my own. During this time, I realized I had nothing. Being alone made me realize that wasn’t the life I had imagined for myself. I thought a lot about it and resolved to reach my parents in Ludwigshafen. When I got there, I began having contacts with the youth and I got closer to God. In that period I understood the difference between living with God and living without Him, and I surrendered to the Lord. I felt on my knees and I asked Him to forgive all my sins. I immediately felt joy in my heart, a kind I’d never experienced before. God has forgiven me and I’m His now. The Lord has given me all I need, even more than I asked for. He makes me feel worthy and loved. Giving my life to Him was the best decision I’ve ever made! If we seek Him, He’ll let us find Him. God doesn’t intervene in your life if you don’t allow Him to. God has set me free because I called upon His name. Now I’m here and I recommend you to seek God and to give Him the possibility to change your life.


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