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Hello everybody. I’m Katia Longo. I want to share with you my experience with Jesus.

Thank God, I had the great honor to be born in a Christian family; my parents already knew Jesus and served Him in the church. I was raised with the Word of God, with the Sunday school and many other Christian activities. Growing up in the church, among the believers and my parents, prevented me from having bad experiences.

I’ve known Jesus since I was born; I’ve always been aware of His unending love for the World that led Him to die for our sin, for my sin. Nevertheless, I’d have discovered the real meaning of these words only later.

One night, I was in my bedroom with my sister; I couldn’t sleep, so I told her all my fears. My worst fear was this one: I knew that someday the Lord would have come back to take His Church with Him and I was afraid I wouldn’t have been taken.

My sister tried to reassure me, by telling me there’s nothing to be worried about when you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour in your heart.

At the beginning, I calmed down (even if I kept one eye open up to check that my sister was still there). During those days, I reconfirmed my decision to receive Jesus Christ in my heart as my personal Saviour. I set my mind to the study of the Word of God and to the service in the church.

The verse in which I found consolation in my hard times it’s written in Psalms 91:15:

“He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.”


God is always by our side. Even if we cannot see Him, we feel His presence.

I really hope you can make the decision to follow God and let Him be the Saviour of your life, like I did.



Katia L.