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I was born in a family of believers and this fact made me think I was a child of God too. As a kid, I went to the Sunday school and later I began to attend the Youth Gatherings. One day the Lord called me, while a brother was reading this verse to the Youth: “Rejoice, young person, while you are young! Your heart should make you happy in your prime. Follow your heart’s inclinations and whatever your eyes see, but know this: God will call you to account for all of these things” (Ecclesiastes 11:9).

So I gave my heart to Jesus! My thoughts turn to the young ones who still didn’t accept Jesus in their lives, as personal Saviour. If you’re not children of God yet, I invite you to read and think about this verse above. May the Lord light your way and guide you to His eternal and righteous way, like He did for me. Let’s pray together in order that God make us spiritually grow, helping one-another in our troubles, especially for the believer’s children, like I was. May the Lord bless each one of us, making our heart’s dreams come true. Our hope is in Him!

1st Chronicles 16:11 “Pursue the Lord and His strength; seek His face always!”

Isaiah 48:18 “If you would pay attention to my commands, your well-being would be like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea”.