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Hello my name is Giuseppe Caruso, I’m 30, married. I was born and raised in a family of believers and I’d heard the truth that Jesus died on a cross for my and your sin since I was a little kid. I gave my heart to Jesus at the age of 12, but during my growth I distanced myself from the truth. I came to know the worldly life. In that period, my heart and behavior changed, I became aggressive, nervous, and predisposed to the underworld.

I had a good time, I suffocated my conscience, I had no more limits. My life was always worse. It seemed like I didn’t have a way out. In my friends clan I was the leader and I realized I was serving the darkness inviting many friends of mine in. The Lord opened my eyes, He made me see what kind of guy I am without Him and, must say, I didn’t even like myself. My soul cried because I had made her sad, standing in the darkness. I cried out loud, I bent on my knees and I asked the Lord to help me and to forgive my sins. The Lord Jesushadmercyupon me. Go back?!?NeverwithoutJesus!! The Lord Christ Jesus loves you too and He wants to give you a pure and upright heart, but first of all salvation and eternal life!


Giuseppe C.