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I was born and raised in an Italian Catholic family. We weren’t rich, but we were surrounded by love and we could make do with what we had. I was 17, when I moved to Switzerland with my parents. The mistress of our house was a believer. That was my first contact with the Gospel. Four years later, we decided to move to Belgium.

I met my husband and I’ve spent 31 years with him. We had four children: three girls and a boy. Unfortunately with my husband’s death, my world crumbled all around me and for three times I tried to end my life. Two years later, I met some friends of my daughter, who had already told me about Jesus Christ; they saw I was very sad and they said they would have begun to pray for me. I started to go to church and to read the Bible. Wanting to be totally sure about my decision, I waited four years and then I got baptized. Now I belong to God’s People and I thank Jesus for saving me. Through my trials and pain, I learned how to grow in my relationship with God and how to testify my faith in Him.