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Hello my name is SeforaGrossano and I’m 28. I’d like to tell you my witness today. I was born in a Christian family. I used to attend the Evangelical Community and the Sunday schoolregularly, I loved to go there and spend time with my friends. I obviously believed in God, but I always put him in the second place in my life. Years went by, but I didn’t think about my life, or about God.

When I was 15 I began to have some doubts about my life, I felt empty, sad, and I had many questions that nobody could answer. On a Friday, I went to the Youth meeting, as usual; I thought it was just like the other times. There came a preacher who talked about the Twin Towers in New York. I didn’t listen attentively to every word but something touched me. He said: “If Jesus came now, would you be ready?”This question left me no peace, I was exhausted. I wished I was ready to meet God, but I knew I wasn’t. At the end of the night, the preacher wanted to pray with us, but I couldn’t stay there anymore. I just wanted to cry, so I went out and cried. In that situation a woman helped me: she told me I had to fill the emptiness I felt in my heart with prayers and with God’s love. So I opened my heart to Jesus Christ. This was the best thing could ever happen to me. Nowmy life makessense. I don’tfeelemptyanymore. If you feel unfilled too, or maybe you’ve doubts or fears, don’t be scared. Pray God and He’ll help you.


John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”